Phnom Chisor / Cambodia

The Angkorian sanctuary of Phnom Chisor is a temple compound of the early classical time. Typical for these sanctuaries, it’s built on top of a mountain. Access is from a procession road from the east, leading from Tonle Om, a barray or huge water pond, via two gatehouses and a steep stairway up to the top of Chisor Mountain.

Flaringly, the sanctuary is crammed with buildings, what is in stark contrast to other Khmer temple compounds. However, it’s worth to pay a visit here, for there are some unique reliefs to see, a stone tablet with a sanscrit inscription and a main sanctuary filled with a lot of different objects of worship.

The article comes with a map of the sight and a great number of quality photos. It’s a virtual journey to Phnom Chisor.

Pay a visit to the whole article on ‘Phnom Chisor‘…

'Phnom Chisor' by Asienreisender


This is only a part of the richly illustrated article ‘Phnom Chisor’. Read here the whole article on Phnom Chisor.

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